Re: [latina] How to start a translation

Paul Norton scripsit:
> How do we want to handle acronyms like DVD, CD, FUBAR? A spot check of
> other po files shows the acronym is usually copied over intact.

I think we should copy it over intact, unless there's an established 
equivalent (TTT for WWW, say).

> Diphthongs. I think we should use the UTF-8 characters for the
> diphthongs (æ, œ) rather than spell them out (ae, oe). Does this make me
> an elitist? Comments?

I like diphthongs!

Do sentences have capital letters at the start?  "canis in horto 
stabat." a la Cambridge Latin Course, or "Canis in horto stabat." as in 


Thomas Thurman, tthurman at gnome,
They look to be of the highest quality!

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