Re: Menu items with icons

Couldn't agree more. -Andy

John R Sheets wrote:

> Adam Chodorowski wrote:
> >
> > Sometimes I don't get you guys. You give references on the GNOME
> > homepage
> > to the UI Hall of Shame, and then go on implementing things that are in
> > that Hall of Shame. The use of a little graphic is in Hall of Shame,
> > if I'm remembering correctly. So it the use of an 'Apply' button.
> Hmmm, okay.  I was just answering a question, and tried to relate
> the tone of the current discussion in the gui-list.  I wasn't
> pushing the idea.  On a personal level, I kinda like the idea.
> It looks more natural that I would have thought, from seeing it
> in gEdit.  However, I still do have some problems with it.
> Remember, it's still an idea in development and design.  It's not
> finished.  It may not even make it into the first draft of the
> new style guide.  Who knows?  And even if it does, if the idea
> doesn't fly on the gnome-list, then it'll be dropped.
> And no matter what, you'll be able to turn it off.  If it's a
> problem, the default state will be text-only.  The important
> concept was the separation of application-wide menu items into a
> separate menu.  Whether that menu is called "Program" or "App" or
> "GNOME" or holds the picture of a foot is secondary, and much
> less important, especially if it's configurable.
> Anybody else have a reaction?
> John
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