Re: Imlib requires shared memory extension for compile writes:
 > On 18 Aug, Preston Brown shouted:
 > ->  On Tue, 18 Aug 1998 wrote:
 > ->  
 > ->  > install X11R6. If you can't -= complain to DIGITAL (compaq) thats why
 > ->  > you pay for a commercial UNIx - so you can bitch to them when it's ont
 > ->  > up to par.
 > ->  
 > ->  DG/UX isn't from Compaq/Digital.  It is from Data General.
 > same stuff - different smell.. :) it's irrelevant who it's from - you
 > pay for it and thus expect somehting for your money. its not free.
 > infact DIGITAL(Compaq) will sell it to you - thus if you don't like it
 > you go back to the people who sold it to you.

Fine, but (a) it wan't sold to me and (b) on the machine I intend to
use, it was given to me by someone else.  The wonder of the
commercial world is that it leaves you swinging in the wind if you
aren't paying the maintenance contract.

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