RE: gnome: libraries other than GTK+

On Fri, 21 Aug 1998, yiyus wrote:

> >Hello, all.  I'm thrilled by the gnome project
> and by the
> >success that gtk+ is having.  I'm curious,
> though, about
> >how tightly bound gnome is to gtk.  Is it
> possible to write
> >programs which will integrate fully into gnome
> using other
> >toolkits (e.g.,
>  If
> >so, what extra code is needed to make that
> happen?
> >
> >Thanks!
> >
> >Tim Smith -
> >
> I don't know what Gnome people think about this.
> But it was the purpose of Harmony (the freeqt
> clone: Their toolkit
> should have Gtk compatible themes. So, if they use
> Gnome dialogs and componentes , I don't see any
> reasons they aren't Gnome applications.

the term 'gnome app' is kind of loose ATM, but it'll probably turn out to
mean "any app that follows the gnome style guide". so it's likely that the
style guide will determine wether or not a non-gtk app can be called gnome.

by "Gnome dialogs", do you mean the standard gnome widgets from libgnomeui, or
just the gnome style, as defined in the style guide? libgnomeui is written
completely in gtk, and would be really difficult (if not impossible) to
abstract the entire thing to be toolkit independant.
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|        / |/ /_ __/ /_____         |       Nuke Skyjumper               |
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