Re: UI Rantings [was: Re: gmc and file-selection mockups]

On 27-Dec-98 Jesse D. Sightler wrote: 
> Remember here, though, that the problem is that what if after doing all of
> my file-management related things I decide I didn't really want a doc opened
> to begin with.  :)  Then I'm gonna really wish I had a "cancel only my last
> action button".  In other words, cancel really is inconvenient in these
> circumstances (er, cancel the print job, too?).

Sorry for butting in on things I don't understand a word of, I'm no programmer.

Couldn't a cancel button work a bit like netscape navigator's back button. One
click cancels and holding it down gives you a list of actions that can be
cancelled. Picking on, would also pick all those above it, if the list began
with the most recent action

Back to lurk mode

E-Mail: Bo Rosen <>

"Well, you know how I feel about telepaths."
"Do I ever. You threw one out of a third story window on Io."
"There was an ample pool below the window."
"Alas, I assume you knew that."

        -- Ivanova and Sheridan in Babylon 5:"Spider in the Web"

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