Re: Gnome Developer's documentation.

On Fri, 6 Feb 1998, Cheng-Chang Wu wrote:
> KDE people so often. And that's why the KDE people use DOC++ now. I've
> used DOC++ and think it's good. But it has some defects too. It can only
> produce LaTex and HTML documents, while c2man can also produce Texinfo
> and man-page.

For the record, we (KDE people) don't use DOC++ any more. We've moved over
to KDOC (our own tool). It's not quite as full featured as DOC++, but
atleast it has an active developer (me) who responds to feature requests
and bug reports.

KDOC is written entirely in perl and outputs only HTML and LaTeX. However,
adding types is easy; LaTeX was only ~250 lines of code.


Sirtaj S. Kang
School of Physics    Univ of Melbourne   The KDE is KNOT a Window Manager.

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