imlib now under automake/autoconf

GNOME amigos,

Over raster's dead body I have put imlib under automake/autoconf.

I believe that it all works well: if you use it with a very current
gtk+ snapshot you can run imlib/utils/imlib_config (which uses imlib)
and it seems to work.

There is now a HACKING file that basically tells you to type

automake --add-missing

in the top leve imlib directory.

The and files in the subdirectories are now
deprecated and I will eventually "cvs delete" them.  (First I want to
make sure that I did not miss anything.)

Of course it's hard to keep up with raster's fast coding pace, and he
has already added a bunch of new stuff: a TEST directory and what
looks like a solaris packaging directory.

I will be looking in to catching up with these latest changes from

And a note to you, raster dude: can you please give me some feedback
on whether this works for you?  I would love it if you were to use my
new automake/autoconf stuff in your own development.

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