[PATCH] Documentation typos
- From: Markus Linnala <maage cs tut fi>
- To: gnome-list gnome org
- Subject: [PATCH] Documentation typos
- Date: Fri, 17 Jul 1998 02:45:02 +0300
I ran ispell on some docs at gnome-* CVS tree.
I didn't correct cases where:
- I couldn't find or guess proper word
- word was a compound word
- word was computer lingo, like app
- unproper capitalization, like Gtk <-> GTK
//Markus - note I'm not at gnome-list
Index: devel-docs/gnome-dev-info.sgml
RCS file: /debian/home/gnomecvs/gnome-libs/devel-docs/gnome-dev-info.sgml,v
retrieving revision 1.7
diff -u -r1.7 gnome-dev-info.sgml
--- gnome-dev-info.sgml 1998/07/12 18:39:03 1.7
+++ gnome-dev-info.sgml 1998/07/16 22:35:03
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
<sect1 id="feedback">
- <para>Well, my native language is spanish, so you're probably going
+ <para>Well, my native language is Spanish, so you're probably going
to find a lot of grammatical and spelling errors. Please tell me
about them.</para>
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@
<title>Programming languages that can be used in GNOME.</title>
GNOME is intended to support any languages. But you need to have
- GTK+ and GNOME bindings for your particular language. Our prefered
+ GTK+ and GNOME bindings for your particular language. Our preferred
languages are C and scheme (using guile.) There are bindings too
for Objective C. There are GTK bindings for C++ (Gtk--) and for
Perl, but as far as I know, they aren't very good and still there aren't bindings
@@ -381,7 +381,7 @@
At the time of the writing of this draft gnome-hello uses the
GtkMenuFactory way of creating menus. It's going to be replaced
by the gnome-app-helper in a little time. (when the gnome_app_*
- have support for i18n, accelerators and rigth-justified menus). Until
+ have support for i18n, accelerators and right-justified menus). Until
then isn't going to be an explanation about "how" do the menus.
@@ -405,7 +405,7 @@
about = gnome_about_new ( "The Hello World Gnomified", VERSION,
- /* copyrigth notice */
+ /* copyright notice */
"(C) 1998 the Free Software Foundation",
/* another comments */
@@ -451,7 +451,7 @@
<sect1 id="tut-parsing">
<title>Parsing parameters.</title>
- Well, Carsten and Tom are talking about standarizing it, so I'll
+ Well, Carsten and Tom are talking about standardizing it, so I'll
wait a bit their definitions.
@@ -558,7 +558,7 @@
Whenever the session manager wants a client to do
- something, these whishes are emitted as signals.
+ something, these wishes are emitted as signals.
Index: devel-docs/gnome-language-bindings.tex
RCS file: /debian/home/gnomecvs/gnome-libs/devel-docs/gnome-language-bindings.tex,v
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -u -r1.4 gnome-language-bindings.tex
--- gnome-language-bindings.tex 1998/07/06 21:39:52 1.4
+++ gnome-language-bindings.tex 1998/07/16 22:35:04
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
\section{Rationale for this document}
-The author of this document has been writting the TOM bindings of
+The author of this document has been writing the TOM bindings of
In doing so, I've noticed that there are certain constructs and
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
This means that it is not possible to declare a static struct array to
describe things in TOM, instead such an array has to build
dynamically. Again this is probably true for many languages:
- struct array parameters like GnomeUIInfo that are a convienence
+ struct array parameters like GnomeUIInfo that are a convenience
in C, require quite a lot of work to get working with any other language.
@@ -77,8 +77,8 @@
special versions of printf that take an va\_arg as an argument,
instead of using the standard printf.
-The proposed solution is to provide primarly array arguments, and if
-doomed important enough to provide convienence functions taking a
+The proposed solution is to provide primarily array arguments, and if
+doomed important enough to provide convenience functions taking a
variable number of arguments. Example for a current problem in Gnome:
{\tt gnome\_dialog\_new()}.
@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@
If you have to use non-OO structs, follow one usage pattern: Either
copy the struct, or store the pointer. Catering for two different
-usages makes the bindings only more difficult than neccessary.
+usages makes the bindings only more difficult than necessary.
An example for correct usage is {\tt GdkColor}, which seems always to
be copied. Try if at all to provide functions to copy the objects, and
do other basic functionality: Some language could want to create
@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@
This requirements come from the fact that it is not acceptable to
the user to create a new function for every menu item, as it may be
-completly impossible to do so in some languages.
+completely impossible to do so in some languages.
Usually language bindings map all callbacks (at least of one kind) to a
given function, and this function uses the pointer argument to
@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@
force the user of your widget to subclass some object to use your
code. You can make it easier by subclassing but always leave a
possibility to do it without full blown subclassing. To explain
- what is probably managable from all languages:
+ what is probably manageable from all languages:
C: GnomeMDIChild TOM: GnomeMDIChild
\- MyChild
@@ -317,7 +317,7 @@
It has todo with a memory management technique that your average C
program is not likely to use, but every self-respecting high-level
-language has it. Of course, I'm talking about a `tracing grabage
+language has it. Of course, I'm talking about a `tracing garbage
collector'. Such a thing is able to detect which objects of your
running program are in use, and which are garbage. The garbage is
collected and reused for new objects. This is much like the reference
Index: devel-docs/libgnomeui.sgml
RCS file: /debian/home/gnomecvs/gnome-libs/devel-docs/libgnomeui.sgml,v
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -r1.2 libgnomeui.sgml
--- libgnomeui.sgml 1998/02/28 21:15:08 1.2
+++ libgnomeui.sgml 1998/07/16 22:35:04
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
{"author1", "author2",..., NULL};
GtkWidget *about = gnome_about_new (_ ("GnoApp"), "1.2b",
- _ ("Copyrigth FSF (C) 1998"),
+ _ ("Copyright FSF (C) 1998"),
"Comment line 1\nLine 2",
@@ -931,7 +931,7 @@
<sect2 id="gnome-stock-pixmap-register">
- <title>gnome_stock_pixmap_register - register a pixmap. returns non-zero, if successfull</title>
+ <title>gnome_stock_pixmap_register - register a pixmap. returns non-zero, if successful</title>
<funcsynopsis><funcdef> gint <function>gnome_stock_pixmap_register</function>
@@ -946,7 +946,7 @@
-register a pixmap. returns non-zero, if successfull</para>
+register a pixmap. returns non-zero, if successful</para>
@@ -1015,7 +1015,7 @@
-check for the existance of an entry. returns the entry if it
+check for the existence of an entry. returns the entry if it
exists, or NULL otherwise
Index: gnome-hello/gnome-hello-1-menus.c
RCS file: /debian/home/gnomecvs/gnome-libs/gnome-hello/gnome-hello-1-menus.c,v
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -u -r1.3 gnome-hello-1-menus.c
--- gnome-hello-1-menus.c 1998/03/09 02:25:45 1.3
+++ gnome-hello-1-menus.c 1998/07/16 22:35:04
@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@
about = gnome_about_new ( "The Hello World Gnomified", VERSION,
- /* copyrigth notice */
+ /* copyright notice */
"(C) 1998 the Free Software Foundation",
/* another comments */
Index: gnome-hello/gnome-hello-2-i18n.c
RCS file: /debian/home/gnomecvs/gnome-libs/gnome-hello/gnome-hello-2-i18n.c,v
retrieving revision 1.5
diff -u -r1.5 gnome-hello-2-i18n.c
--- gnome-hello-2-i18n.c 1998/03/09 02:25:46 1.5
+++ gnome-hello-2-i18n.c 1998/07/16 22:35:04
@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@
about = gnome_about_new ( _("The Hello World Gnomified"), VERSION,
- /* copyrigth notice */
+ /* copyright notice */
"(C) 1998 the Free Software Foundation",
/* another comments */
Index: gnome-hello/gnome-hello-3-parse-args.c
RCS file: /debian/home/gnomecvs/gnome-libs/gnome-hello/gnome-hello-3-parse-args.c,v
retrieving revision 1.6
diff -u -r1.6 gnome-hello-3-parse-args.c
--- gnome-hello-3-parse-args.c 1998/03/09 02:25:47 1.6
+++ gnome-hello-3-parse-args.c 1998/07/16 22:35:04
@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@
about = gnome_about_new ( _("The Hello World Gnomified"), VERSION,
- /* copyrigth notice */
+ /* copyright notice */
"(C) 1998 the Free Software Foundation",
/* another comments */
Index: gnome-hello/gnome-hello-4-SM.c
RCS file: /debian/home/gnomecvs/gnome-libs/gnome-hello/gnome-hello-4-SM.c,v
retrieving revision 1.10
diff -u -r1.10 gnome-hello-4-SM.c
--- gnome-hello-4-SM.c 1998/07/02 04:11:20 1.10
+++ gnome-hello-4-SM.c 1998/07/16 22:35:04
@@ -253,7 +253,7 @@
about = gnome_about_new ( _("The Hello World Gnomified"), VERSION,
- /* copyrigth notice */
+ /* copyright notice */
"(C) 1998 the Free Software Foundation",
/* another comments */
Index: gnome-hello/gnome-hello-6-dynamic-menus.c
RCS file: /debian/home/gnomecvs/gnome-libs/gnome-hello/gnome-hello-6-dynamic-menus.c,v
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -r1.2 gnome-hello-6-dynamic-menus.c
--- gnome-hello-6-dynamic-menus.c 1998/06/02 09:37:37 1.2
+++ gnome-hello-6-dynamic-menus.c 1998/07/16 22:35:05
@@ -199,7 +199,7 @@
about = gnome_about_new ( "The Hello World Gnomified", VERSION,
- /* copyrigth notice */
+ /* copyright notice */
"(C) 1998 the Free Software Foundation",
/* another comments */
Index: gnome-hello/gnome-hello-7-mdi.c
RCS file: /debian/home/gnomecvs/gnome-libs/gnome-hello/gnome-hello-7-mdi.c,v
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -u -r1.3 gnome-hello-7-mdi.c
--- gnome-hello-7-mdi.c 1998/07/05 22:36:38 1.3
+++ gnome-hello-7-mdi.c 1998/07/16 22:35:05
@@ -314,7 +314,7 @@
about = gnome_about_new ( "The Hello World Gnomified", VERSION,
- /* copyrigth notice */
+ /* copyright notice */
"(C) 1998 the Free Software Foundation",
/* another comments */
Index: gnome-hello/gnome-hello.c
RCS file: /debian/home/gnomecvs/gnome-libs/gnome-hello/gnome-hello.c,v
retrieving revision 1.8
diff -u -r1.8 gnome-hello.c
--- gnome-hello.c 1998/02/20 00:00:06 1.8
+++ gnome-hello.c 1998/07/16 22:35:07
@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@
about = gnome_about_new ( _("The Hello World Gnomified"), VERSION,
- /* copyrigth notice */
+ /* copyright notice */
"(C) 1998 the Free Software Foundation",
/* another comments */
Index: gxsnmp/docs/DESIGN.snmpv3
RCS file: /debian/home/gnomecvs/gnome-admin/gxsnmp/docs/DESIGN.snmpv3,v
retrieving revision 1.1
diff -u -r1.1 DESIGN.snmpv3
--- DESIGN.snmpv3 1998/06/13 22:49:27 1.1
+++ DESIGN.snmpv3 1998/07/16 23:09:52
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
SNMPv3 is currently defined in the RFCs 2271 - 2275. RFC2271 gives an
-overview about SNMPv3 and defines seperate modules for the standard
+overview about SNMPv3 and defines separate modules for the standard
implementation. This document explains how these modules are implemented
in this library.
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
functions, while all other modules must provide their interface as struct
of functions to the dispatcher in init time (poor mans objects :-) ).
-These are the primitives of RFC2271 propperly sorted by module:
+These are the primitives of RFC2271 properly sorted by module:
- application:
@@ -44,11 +44,11 @@
-Additionally, an initialisation function must be provided by each module
+Additionally, an initialization function must be provided by each module
and a point of registration by the dispatcher for the different types of
-Order of Initialisation:
+Order of Initialization:
- dispatcher is initialized.
- each message processing subsystem is initialized. It will register with
the dispatcher by model number and provides a struct of the primitives.
Index: gxsnmp/docs/database.txt
RCS file: /debian/home/gnomecvs/gnome-admin/gxsnmp/docs/database.txt,v
retrieving revision 1.1
diff -u -r1.1 database.txt
--- database.txt 1998/03/20 00:23:26 1.1
+++ database.txt 1998/07/16 23:09:52
@@ -11,13 +11,13 @@
different time scales, compare data of different times and compare data
of different nodes or interfaces.
-2. Collection proccess
+2. Collection process
To get to the needed data, typically SNMP collectors are used to poll
the nodes at fixed time intervals (typically 15 minutes intervals). This
collection process may lead to huge amount of data (i.e. about 200
MB/day for a network of about 1000 interfaces. A network with such many
-interfaces isn´t such uncommon in the age of Access Servers and Port
+interfaces isn't such uncommon in the age of Access Servers and Port
Masters). To lower the bandwidth needed by the SNMP collectors and to
get redundancy, it should be possible to run multiple collectors which
are distributed in the network and later transfer the collected data to
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
3. Database consideration
-The database needed to get the desired information aout of the collected
+The database needed to get the desired information about of the collected
data merely consists of two parts:
- a database containing structural data (topology, type of node,
function of node, node class, link class, location of node, etc)
@@ -53,14 +53,14 @@
- analysis variables are always numeric
- certain statistics should be performed when reducing data (i.e. sum,
- avarage, max, min, count, or a 90% tracking to show where the top 90 %
+ average, max, min, count, or a 90% tracking to show where the top 90 %
values fall in)
4. Implementation details
4.1 Structural data
-The strucutal data can be implemeted using a relational database. A
+The structural data can be implemented using a relational database. A
possible solution could consist of the following tables:
- node:
@@ -176,12 +176,12 @@
4.2.1 Performance data implemented using flat files
-The performance data could be implemeted using a set of binary "flat
+The performance data could be implemented using a set of binary "flat
files", sorted by the pre-defined keys. We need two different set of
keys, one for the router data (i.e. CPU, memory, etc) and one for
interface data (i.e. ifOutDiscards, ifInOctets, frCircuitReceivedFECNs,
atmInterfaceOCDEvents). It should be possible to configure the column
-number and names of the performace database and to specify the
+number and names of the performance database and to specify the
statistics to be performed on data reduction. The transformation of OIDs
to the performance database names should be done in the load scripts, as
sometimes the translation is not a one-to-one relationship (i.e. for the
@@ -198,13 +198,13 @@
4.2.2 Performance data implemented using SQL
Using a standard SQL database would probably be slower but it would also offer
-more flexiblity in the reporting on the data, allow other tools to access
-this data. (web servers with php stuff, server push to your orgination on
+more flexibility in the reporting on the data, allow other tools to access
+this data. (web servers with php stuff, server push to your origination on
problems in the network.. etc..)
Flat files on the other hand would be faster but would require more tools
to be written if other access to the data is desired.
-4.2.3 Sample structure of performace database
+4.2.3 Sample structure of performance database
A sample table could look like this:
Index: gxsnmp/docs/distribute.txt
RCS file: /debian/home/gnomecvs/gnome-admin/gxsnmp/docs/distribute.txt,v
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -r1.2 distribute.txt
--- distribute.txt 1998/03/22 23:40:40 1.2
+++ distribute.txt 1998/07/16 23:09:52
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
Types of probes envisioned from the get go are
- SNMP probe: This probe will issue SNMP requests and check the response.
It will also accept traps and issue notifications to the monitoring engine.
-- ICMP probe: Just do an ICMP ping and check reponse. Can issue a
+- ICMP probe: Just do an ICMP ping and check response. Can issue a
notification if response too slow, host not reachable or too much packet
- Service probe: This probe checks for standard Internet services such as
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@
No checks.
- When a notification occurs, it reports the time that it first was noted
- and not the time that the notication is being issued.
+ and not the time that the notification is being issued.
Additional notes about probes:
Index: gxsnmp/docs/general.txt
RCS file: /debian/home/gnomecvs/gnome-admin/gxsnmp/docs/general.txt,v
retrieving revision 1.1
diff -u -r1.1 general.txt
--- general.txt 1998/03/20 00:23:26 1.1
+++ general.txt 1998/07/16 23:09:52
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
I will also start putting down some ideas on paper about architecture.
I have been preparing a document that outlines a distributed
architecture noting the features talked about below. My hope was to
-perhaps get sopme people working together and build it from scratch,
+perhaps get some people working together and build it from scratch,
similar to the way some of these projects like KDE, GNOME and others are
maching these distributed efforts very possible.
@@ -134,11 +134,11 @@
and areas in which the big boys right now are just not cutting the
mustard. I will expand and start categorizing these for easy. Also, I
have plenty of WWW space where at a later point I can put a lot of these
-information. Perhaps once an architecture and plan is layed out people
+information. Perhaps once an architecture and plan is laid out people
would love to start looking at helping with some of the apps.
Last, have you looked at SNMP++? Last I checked a Linux port was either
-in beta or p-retty much complete. It looks like it makes it extremely
+in beta or pretty much complete. It looks like it makes it extremely
easy to develop the SNMP code.
Enough from a very excited, Gus Estrella
Index: gxsnmp/docs/gsnmp.texi
RCS file: /debian/home/gnomecvs/gnome-admin/gxsnmp/docs/gsnmp.texi,v
retrieving revision 1.1
diff -u -r1.1 gsnmp.texi
--- gsnmp.texi 1998/05/30 15:40:37 1.1
+++ gsnmp.texi 1998/07/16 23:09:52
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
@set update-month May 1998
-This file documents GSNMP, a Simple Network Mangement library.
+This file documents GSNMP, a Simple Network Management library.
Copyright (C) 1998 Gregory McLean
Index: gxsnmp/docs/outline.html
RCS file: /debian/home/gnomecvs/gnome-admin/gxsnmp/docs/outline.html,v
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -r1.2 outline.html
--- outline.html 1998/04/16 23:02:48 1.2
+++ outline.html 1998/07/16 23:10:05
@@ -223,7 +223,7 @@
<B><I><P>Community Names to Check</P>
-</B></I><P>This table contains a lits of community names that you want the engine to check for every time that a device is polled.</TD>
+</B></I><P>This table contains a list of community names that you want the engine to check for every time that a device is polled.</TD>
Index: core-docs/gnome-intro.sgml
RCS file: /debian/home/gnomecvs/gnome-core/core-docs/gnome-intro.sgml,v
retrieving revision 1.5
diff -u -r1.5 gnome-intro.sgml
--- gnome-intro.sgml 1998/05/05 09:35:02 1.5
+++ gnome-intro.sgml 1998/07/16 23:10:04
@@ -197,7 +197,7 @@
- You can invoke the help browser from the penel or from the
+ You can invoke the help browser from the panel or from the
shell by typing
<literallayout><prompt>$ </prompt><userinput>gnome-help-browser &</userinput></literallayout>
@@ -471,7 +471,7 @@
raising the gain on others, just like the mixer console in
a live music PA system.</para>
- You can invoke the GNOME mixer from the panl or by typing
+ You can invoke the GNOME mixer from the panel or by typing
<literallayout><prompt>$ </prompt><userinput>gmix &</userinput></literallayout>
Index: phaser-chess/docs/src/pc.tex
RCS file: /debian/home/gnomecvs/gnome-games/phaser-chess/docs/src/pc.tex,v
retrieving revision
diff -u -r1.1.1.1 pc.tex
--- pc.tex 1997/11/24 22:32:28
+++ pc.tex 1998/07/16 23:10:21
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
To move a piece, select the piece with the left mouse button, and
click on a square near the piece. No piece can jump over another
-piece. To move a piece 1 square takes 1 move. To move it diagonaly
+piece. To move a piece 1 square takes 1 move. To move it diagonally
takes 2 moves. A piece can cross several squares per turn, or several
pieces can cross one square per turn. The 3 moves can be distributed
among different pieces however the player wishes. After a piece has
@@ -177,7 +177,7 @@
Oneway mirrors (figure \ref{oneway}) are mirrors which allow a beam to
-pass through from the back, but reflect a beam which approachs from
+pass through from the back, but reflect a beam which approaches from
the front. If a beam strikes a oneway from any other direction, the
oneway is vulnerable. Oneways are useful for protecting phasers and
freezers from their own beams.
Index: gulp/gulp.m
RCS file: /debian/home/gnomecvs/gnome-admin/gulp/gulp.m,v
retrieving revision 1.29
diff -u -r1.29 gulp.m
--- gulp.m 1998/05/12 17:49:26 1.29
+++ gulp.m 1998/07/16 23:28:23
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
about = gnome_about_new ( _("GULP"), VERSION,
- /* copyrigth notice */
+ /* copyright notice */
"(C) 1998 the Free Software Foundation",
/* another comments */
Index: help-browser/sample.c
RCS file: /debian/home/gnomecvs/gnome-core/help-browser/sample.c,v
retrieving revision 1.7
diff -u -r1.7 sample.c
--- sample.c 1998/03/09 02:42:15 1.7
+++ sample.c 1998/07/16 23:28:53
@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@
about = gnome_about_new ( "The Hello World Gnomified", VERSION,
- /* copyrigth notice */
+ /* copyright notice */
"(C) 1998 the Free Software Foundation",
/* another comments */
Index: aisleriot/menu.c
RCS file: /debian/home/gnomecvs/gnome-games/aisleriot/menu.c,v
retrieving revision 1.10
diff -u -r1.10 menu.c
--- menu.c 1998/03/08 08:43:34 1.10
+++ menu.c 1998/07/16 23:29:14
@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@
about = gnome_about_new ( _("GNOME Solitaire"), VERSION,
- /* copyrigth notice */
+ /* copyright notice */
"(C) 1998 Jonathan Blandford (jrb@MIT.EDU)",
/* another comments */
Index: genius/genius.c
RCS file: /debian/home/gnomecvs/gnome-utils/genius/genius.c,v
retrieving revision 1.28
diff -u -r1.28 genius.c
--- genius.c 1998/05/14 15:26:38 1.28
+++ genius.c 1998/07/16 23:29:44
@@ -224,7 +224,7 @@
mb=gnome_about_new(_("GnomENIUS Calculator"), VERSION,
- /* copyrigth notice */
+ /* copyright notice */
"(C) 1998 the Free Software Foundation",
/* another comments */
Index: gtop/main.c
RCS file: /debian/home/gnomecvs/gnome-utils/gtop/main.c,v
retrieving revision 1.23
diff -u -r1.23 main.c
--- main.c 1998/06/14 06:10:04 1.23
+++ main.c 1998/07/16 23:29:58
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@
about = gnome_about_new ( _("GTop"), VERSION,
- /* copyrigth notice */
+ /* copyright notice */
_("(C) 1998 the Free Software Foundation"),
/* another comments */
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