Re: Article about GNOME (yet to be written;)

On 11 Jun 1998 14:16:17 +0200 Marius Vollmer wrote:
> > > So who is doing the article now?  It would be totally bad to have some
> > > uninformed poser writing bogus stuff about gnome.
> > 
> > No, you shouldn't have hard feelings against him.
> I don't have any hard feelings.  The purpose of that inflamatory
> sentence was to leave the one who is going to write about Gnome no
> chance but to speak up, if he is listening. ;-)

He *is* listening, of course. Actually since 8/19/1997, when I 
subscribed to this list (at then).

Just to set some things straight: I've been asked to write that article
two months ago and decided to do so at April 15th. I haven't posted
something about that here, because in my (maybe old-fashioned) point of
view one should not get involved in things one is writing about for a
magazine. I may get involved later ;-)

Nevertheless I've followed both this list and Gnome itself closely.

Since I certainly don't want to disappoint Lars, we're now trying to
write (or finish) that article together. After all, free software is all
about cooperation, isn't it?

So, things are progressing fine now. Please switch back to that other
console and start coding again ;-)




#   Jochem Huhmann <>  Duisburg (Germany)
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