Re: CVS movement.

On Thu, 25 Jun 1998, Miguel de Icaza wrote:
> Hello Gnomers,
>    The CVS archives are going to be moved on monday, eastern US time
> to their new location at Red Hat.  This movement obeys to the fact
> that Red Hat Labs will have by the end of the month seven developers
> working full time on GNOME.  This will help them move faster.

Sounds good.  Send more developers :-)

>    On the other hand, the current CVS server machine will be converted
> into a mirror of the developer CVS tree and will be open for anonymous
> CVS without interefering with the developers work.

Yay! Anonymous access back!  And we won't be beating up on the principal


>    The anonymous CVS machine will be called, and
> developers will be using or

That works.  I assume we will have to log in anew.  Use -z3 everyone!

> Best wishes,
> Miguel.

Thank you very much,

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