Re: updates?

On Tue, Mar 10, 1998 at 04:04:14PM -0700, Tom Tromey wrote:
Tom> Paul> But can't bash, csh, whatnot access the VFS as if it were a
Tom> Paul> natural file system?  If not, then the whole idea of a VFS is
Tom> Paul> less useful.
Tom> Not without hacking them.

Bash (and, I believe, some of the better ksh implementations) support
dynamic loading of primitives, so one could have dynamically loadable
bash extensions to support VFS.

Then again, surely it is not actually the shell, but the FS access that
needs to be modified. I guess this could be achieved either by releasing a
Gnome-fileutils, or a library wrapper which catches the FS system calls.
Either way it should be easy to keep EA information in synch'.

Tom> IMHO the best way to make VFS truly invisible is to actually put it in
Tom> the filesystem layer. 

In an ideal world... =)O|

	Gary V Vaughan
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