Re: So what's the plan?

> When will a stable end-user version projected to be out, ie 1.0? 
>    (6 mons? 1yr?)

I expect the basic "core" applications to be ready sooner than that.
Probably one month.  "core" applications means: application which
people can use in a daily basis to do their work and that will give
their desktop a pleasant look and a nice way to work.  Do not know
what version tag that will carry. 

> What will this release contain? 
>    Standard gnome framework (ie, CORBA, VFS, Sound System, file manager,
> 	  desktop configurator, themes, panel, dnd)

This is what we have now and what I think will be available in debuged
form in the release from your list of questions:

corba, file manager, desktop config, panel, dnd and file manager with
vfs (this one is fully working since a couple of years ago :-).
Hopefully gdm will be soon released and can be included in that list. 

To this list add some productivity-type applications that are already
written and functional: gtt, gtop, electric-eyes, gxsnmp, linuxconf
front-end, gnomovision, gmix, some cd-player and others as well as the
games collection.

themes are being worked on and will be integrated as the code becomes
available;  The VFS has been splitted but I have not merged the code
into my tree yet (and so far, two non-gnome apps use the splitted vfs
code now). 

> Does this mean that there will be at least one GNOME version of each type
> of application available?  

Most likely.

> Can anyone just throw together a gtk app making it conform to the Style
> guide with all of the proper gnome specific features and be expected to be
> included as part of the GNOME desktop?

If it is released under a sane license, I do not see any problem with
including that as part of the GNOME desktop.

Bigger applications are being written, and I will let the authors of
thsoe big applications talk about them. 

best wishes,

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