Re: Compiling problems - please help

>> That constant is defined in 'limits.h'.

Andreas> Yes, i checked it out with a short program and that find
Andreas> INT_MAX. It seems to be one of that thousand of #ifdef's in
Andreas> that file.

Could you find out why the definition of INT_MAX isn't seen when
compiling gnome-string.c?  That would let us fix the bug permanently.

>> S.u.S.E 5.1 does not yet support the GNU libc. AFAIK the gnome
>> project has been developed under redhat which does.

Andreas> S.U.S.E starts shipping release 5.2. this days. Maybe life is
Andreas> more easy with that.  Or should i change to red hat ?

Don't switch on our account.

Gnome should not depend on any particular implementation of the C
library.  In fact, Gnome isn't even Linux specific.

FWIW, I don't have GNU libc on my machine, and it all builds fine for


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