Re: some thoughts..

> These extensions probably use a lot of memory to do things which usually
> aren't done all the time, so it just uses megs of totally useless memory
> most of the time. This seems to be the problem with whole KDE, it takes
> over 11 megs of memory (+shared 2-5MB?) to do things I mostly don't need.
> Solutions? I can think of some:

Every modern Unix (this includes our beloved Linux) implement
demand loading of executable and library pages.  The code that is not
used is not brought into memory unless the code is required.  This is
done by page faulting.

So, no, the ftp, tar, extfs code is never loaded into main memory
*until* you use one of those features.  You can get better memory
usage by running cord() on IRIX systems (and soon on ELF-based
platforms, thanks to the work of Nat Friedman).

> Are you sure gmc is the right file manager to use? I personally don't
> like it right now, and because it's ported to many operating systems, it
> probably has a lot of useless code. 

Are you aware of the existance of #ifdef and conditional compilation?

Please, measure the code first, find out what is not being used first
and then comment and send patches. 

>  - using buttons as links in gtk-xmhtml is awful, underlined texts 
> please.. :)

The code is there.  You are welcome to send a patch to add a
configuration dialog for this.  If this has not been done is because
we have had other priorities.  If you want it fixed today, start
contributing code.

If you do not like gmc, you are welcome to write another file manager,
nobody is forcing you to use gmc.  If you write a better file manager,
rest assured that I will try my best to distribute the code with

best wishes,

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