Re: "_New" vs. N_("New") vs. N_("_New")

> - "_<string>"
> - N_("<string>")
> - N_("_<string>")

You use _("string") to invoke a translation on "string" to the current
locale, ie, for example, you would use:

	printf (_("Type in your name:"));

_(x) is a subroutine call, it usually means gettext(x).

You use N_("string"), in a context where you cant invoke a subroutine,
for example, in an array initialization:

    char *names [] = { N_("One"), N_("Two") };

This will just mark the strings for translation (ie, it allows the
gettext programs extract the strings into a .po file that can be
translated).  You still have to call _(x) on the string to actually
get the text translated, like this:

    printf ("%s", _(names [0]));

On menus constructed with gnome-app-helper, you can use an underscore
in front of a letter to get an accelerator, so you usually do:


This will mark "F" as the hotkey (you can press Alt-F and get the
action associated with this menu entry).   And it will mark the string
"_File" for translation.


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