Re: Project Scheduling Design

> I think that this is my first posting to this list after a couple of
> months of watching it!
> I=B4m just beginning on discovering how gtk and gnome works, and I think
> that I have an useable idea, please tell me if I=B4m wrong!
> The Canvas widget will be used to show the time-lines (I=B4m right?), I
> think that the themes supported on Gtk can change the height of the
> CList Items, so, the Canvas can go out of sync with the CList, and this
> isn=B4t a good idea!
> Isn=B4t more simplest to do a litle derivation on the CList widget to
> accept a little GnomeCanvas object only for the graphic time display? I
> think that on this way the process is less painful and more efficient!

Actually this is something I thought of too.  I'm not sure how
flexible the existing clist widget is regards inserting graphics.  But
it would provide the easiest solution, which as you say would scale

Otherwise the canvas would have to query the clist widget for its row
height, if that is possible.


     ///   `... thinking is an exercise to which all too few brains
    ///     are accustomed.' - First Lensman, E.E. `Doc' Smith
 \\\/   Michael Zucchi, B.E.       

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