Re: ORBit.spec patch


That patch was not well thought out.  I apologize.

As I was looking at it further, I note that %prefix isn't used in 
the ORBit spec file.  Yet it still works?

I wish someone would come out with a standardized spec file concept for
the Gnome project, there's really quite a bit of varience among the packages
and it makes it difficult to work up any automated build procedures.

I notice now, that esound is using a file so I imagine running autoconf
is required before using the spec file.  I think this is fantastic, but it
means yet another way of doing things.

> > > if [ "$SMP" != "" ]; then
> > >   (make "MAKE=make -k -j $SMP"; exit 0)
> > >   make
> This part doesn't - either we need to fix automake to generate
> multimake-safe Makefiles, or the extra 'make' isn't needed. Can you
> elaborate on these?
This was snatched from the ee.spec file.  Someone else (Raster?) whipped that
up so you'll have to ask around for the rational.  I'm just a cut-n-paste fool.


Michael Sterrett
  -Mr. Bones.-

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