Re: Control Center

> It came up with the normal xscreensaver stuff in it, but when I
> clicked on ant, it locked up my window manager (twm) and gnome.  I could
> still move the mouse, but I couldn't change focus, click on anything, or
> anything like that.

lemme look...
hmm - yup, exec'ing NULL does weird things all right.
This is now fixed in CVS, but more importantly, I will be moving the
screensaver capplet to the xscreensaver distribution when I get around
to doing so.  This way, it is unlikely to ever be installed without
the appropriate screensaver stuff.

<shameless plug>
And, while we're on the subject of the screensaver-properties-capplet,
if anyone would like to help out gnome, but does not want to/cannot
code, the .desktop files for the screensavers need finishing.  Please
contact me if you are interested in making a valuable contribution to
gnome.... (:
</shameless plug>


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