Re: Question on MC

> > Yes, it uses the same file that text mode gmc.
> Not quite sure what you mean.. Where is this file..??? You are not talking
> about the actuall mc.ext in /usr/local/lib/mc are you ?? Cause Ive tried
> to edit this file and nothing appears to work ??

Probably it means you have made local changes to it, and thus the
actions are in ~/.mc/ext.

Now, I know this sucks, and it is going to get fixed as Tom Tromey
just finished the wonderful metadata implementation for Gnome, so the
file manager will switch to use this so-much-better model in the near

> Like to know where and how ?? Docs ?? man (Yep I read those) doesnt
> explain to well.

The code is on CVS, on module: gnome-libs/libgnome/gnome-metadata.[ch], 
The original proposal from Tom is somewhere hiding in:


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