Re: Word Processors

I like the idea of cobra objects (baboon hopefully) for everything.
I keep saying flexiblity is key.
I think the user should NEVER see a setup or "wiring panel" for
the objects though. Let the user select "page layout view" or "outline
view" and switch rendering objects under the hood.
Sure, you could provide a wiring panel for setting the wiring
for each view, but....
1) Sooner or later, some nimrod is going to tell an end user to go
fiddle with the "wiring panel" and  they will have a mess.
2) Clearly written question and answer session style configuration
is easier for newbie (as long as they can click a "Don't Care" button 
and the app still works). I don't care how you cut it - Drag-N-Drop
is not intuitive to newbies. These people have trouble clicking on
buttons much less drag-n-drop. even if newbies arn't the target users,
some will still try to use it - might as well attempt give them
something easy to use so they don't give the project a bad rep.
3) I think "task-oriented object switching" will give them/us enough
flexiblity. If someone wants to install an alternate "normal view
render engine" then making the connections to the right "sockets" 
should be an issue for that engines install. Don't force the end user
to acknowledge that they have a "weird" setup.  

On Thu, 17 Sep 1998 15:03:16 Quantum Seep wrote:
> Yes, that would be nice... a pool of modules (CORBA objects) which could be
> fitted (drag-n-dropped) into a "back panel" (configuration panel).
> Has anyone ever used Pinball Construction Set from Electronic Arts? 
> Remember how you could get under the machine and reconnect the wiring?  I
> envision something similar for application configuration.  You could easily
> create your own modules (in C or GUILE or whatever) and "wire them in" to
> fitted "sockets."  Two objects can be wired together if they have matching
> interface definitions, with one exporting and the other requiring the
> interface.
> The interfaces could be graphically distinguished by different shaped "plugs
> & sockets" and/or by color.  By right-clicking on a "plug" and selecting 
> "Properties" (or whatever), you could get a detailed description of the
> interface.  The modules could be dragged from any folder anywhere you happen
> to have them, with most commonly selected directories being offered in the
> panel as a "toybox."


Reklaw - I code therefore I need gin and sprite.
GNOME software projects - Pharmacy * gnome-standalone

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