[Offtopic] Epson Printer Problems.


	I'm turning to you guys because no one else can help me
and we've got a really diverse group here.

	I'm trying to get an Epson 640 Stylus Color working under
GNU/Linux.  I've got RH5.2, but it's so modified that you could hardly
tell.  I've got the newest version of Ghostscript (5.5 I think, of the
Aladin distribution).  There is a stylusall filter, but I've never
heard anyone mention the 640.  I've been working for quite awhile now
(like weeks) to get this thing working, but I'm beginning to wonder
if it will at all!  So, more than anything, has anyone EVER gotten
a Epson InkJet 640 to print under Linux?


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