Re: MiniTerm

On Mon, 12 Apr 1999, Fred W. Smith wrote:
> >Try accessing your accounting system by just using the Linux console
> >(or xterm, rxvt or gnome-terminal) and telnet.  They are all based on
> >the Digital VT terminal specs, which are a superset of the ANSI
> >terminal specification.  If none of the above works, try fiddling with
> >the stty command, to see if you can coax something that way.  If you
> >still aren't completely set, get yourself involved in gnome-terminal
> >development.  I'm sure that having an ANSI-standard mode would be a
> >good thing that more than just you would use.
> Thanks for the encouragement,
> I'll give your suggestions a try. I have downloaded Screen which allows the
> program to work when you start it with screen -T ansi, but it doesn't quite
> have the lines around the display  (it uses dddddd instead of ----- for
> lines) boxes right and some of the key functions don't work quite right, but
> I may not have Screen configured correctly either.

The 'd's might just be a matter of changing your screen font.  Check out
dosemu's pages for some console fonts that might match your application

> I have never been a programmer, though the idea facinates me, which is
> what attracted me to Linux initially. Perhaps if I can get some time in
> the near future. It is fun learning new things and ideas, especially
> when you want to learn instead of having to learn, just to make a
> living.

Coding is great, particularly on an open system.  It really gives you a
big increase in control over what is going on.  Very empowering.

Best of Luck,

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