ESound feature idea(Re: Esound and play)

--- "Brandon J. Peterson"
<> wrote:
> 	If I have esound running, most of my audio programs
> don't work. 
> For example, a lot of the programs use 'play' to
> play a wav, which doesn't
> work unless I kill esound.  Have I done something
> wrong and is there
> something I can do to fix this?  Thanx... 
> 			Brandon P.
> -- 
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I recently ran into this on my computer, and made
a simple hack to fix it. (See bellow) However, I
had an idea that would be better than what I did:
	Why not allow esd or a client program, to
	monitor /dev/dsp, and play sounds that
	it encounters there? This would allow 
	X based apps that didn't use esd to work
	with thos that did.

Here is how to get play to work with esd:

I warn you that this didn't seem to work very well
for me, but it did allow me to play wav files 
using play and esd. You might want to 'cp play 
play.bak' before doing this. All 'play' is, is a 
simple script to use with sox in order to play 
sound files.

I changed the line:
	sox $fopts -t ossdsp /dev/dsp $@
to this:
	sox $fopts -t wav ~/.temp_sox_2.wav
	esdplay ~/.temp_sox_2.wav
	rm ~/.temp_sox_2.wav
This will destroy the file ~/.temp_sox_2.wav in
your home directory if it exists. I have only
had limited success with this hack, but it will
allow you to play wav files, using 'play.' You
cannot use a pipe, because sox needs seek access to
output file, when writing a wav.

Hope this helps - Andrew.
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