A very strange thing...

Hi everybody...

This morning, when i came at work, i found that my PC hangs up during the
night. It was running GNOME (gnome-lib 1.0.8, gnome-core 1.0.4) on a RedHat
5.2, and a session of IglooFTP-0.6.1 downloading files. All the files have been
well downloaded, and the FTP session was terminated at 01:00 am, and my PPP
conection was closed at 01:16 am
I had to do a manual reset, and hope that my filesystems won't be corrupt too
Then I had a look to the file /var/log/message and here is what happend at
06:45 am:

Apr 27 04:02:00 x-nicolovici syslogd 1.3-3: restart.
Apr 27 04:02:00 x-nicolovici syslogd 1.3-3: restart.
Apr 27 04:02:00 x-nicolovici syslogd 1.3-3: restart.
Apr 27 04:02:00 x-nicolovici syslogd 1.3-3: restart.
Apr 27 04:02:02 x-nicolovici PAM_pwdb[661]: (su) session opened for user nobody
by (uid=99)
Apr 27 04:03:56 x-nicolovici PAM_pwdb[661]: (su) session closed for user nobody
Apr 27 06:45:34 x-nicolovici gnome-name-server[436]: Receveived signal 11
shutting down.
Apr 27 06:45:34 x-nicolovici gnome-name-server[436]: Receveived signal 6
shutting down.
Apr 27 06:45:35 x-nicolovici kernel: release: X kernel stack corruption. Aiee
Apr 27 06:45:36 x-nicolovici init: PANIC: segmentation violation! giving up..
/var/log/message - end

My question is: what's this gnome-name-server ? why does it hang up my machine
? Is it due to the fact that my PPP connection was down ?
E-Mail: Xavier Nicolovici <nicolovi@club-internet.fr>
Web: http://perso.club-internet.fr/nicolovi
Date: 27-Apr-99
Time: 10:35:57

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