Re: Window managers

> | RedHat has chosen to do it this way, to make sure that the user always
> | have at least one gnome-compliant window manager. There has been variuos
> This must be one of the more lame excuses I have heard in a long
> time. To me it looks more like one is trying to push Enligthenment. I

I don't think that's the reason. Just think of a newbie, he installs the
rpms, and no gnome-compliant wm. Some things don't work properly, like the
pager. Since he has no clue about windowmanagers and X etc, he won't
understand a thing. If the installation forces him to install E, he can
start gnome and get to know the environment. When he understands more, he
can change the wm to something else, icewm or windowmaker etc.

> have tried enlightenment and gnome and if that was my first encounter
> with gnome, I probably would have uninstalled the lot and used KDE or
> some such.

Have you tried icewm? It's a nice, fast, gnome-compliant wm.


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