Re: GNOME 0.99.8 + Enlightenment

> Hi!
>10 minutes ago I've just installed GNOME 0.99.8 and Enlightenment (SNAP
>0.15) on my SuSE Linux 6.0.
>All works fine for me but there are some questions:
>1) I want to integrate a "taskbar" into my panel but I can't find one!
>Where can I get one?
>2) If I run GNOME with Enlightenment then there are nearly 10
>"Enlightenment-Buttons" (eg.: to start netscape, emacs, xterm, ... on
>the right, and a few on the rigth side (to configure enlightenment) on
>my desktop, which I don't want to be there. How can I remove them?
>thank you
    Use CTRL-ALT-B to get rid of all the buttons.

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