Re: gwp.word.processor.0.3.2.released

> Any reason to have Gnome Print separate from the general lp stuff?  This
> sorts of feels like reinventing the wheel, but I wasn't in the
> discussions.  

Gnome Print is a printing API for applications not a replacement for
any printer setup in your system.  There is nothing like this
available in the Unix world (besides an "we output Postscript"

It implements an imaging model similar to Postscript (the details are
on the December Linux Gazette).  Currently it only supports Postscript
output, but will soon have special drivers for other printers (the
rasterization will be provided by Raph Levien's libart_lgpl code).

So, it is not an lpr wrapper, it is something that has been missing
from Unix for a long time.


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