Re: gnome-core 0.99.2 tarball is useless - REMOVE IT THEN

> Anyway, before trying to build the next release, make sure you're on this alias, 
> and watch here regularly for comments and fixes about/for it.  It helped me no 
> end - and believe me, getting GNOME up on a SPARC/Solaris 8 box is far harder 
> than on a Linux/Intel system.

Well, the only reason why it might be harder is because Solaris ships
with practically no useful graphic library (and GNOME uses a bunch of
them), but if you have those installed, GNOME does pretty much work if
you do:

./configure; make install

The next release address a number of portability problems as described
by Philippe Defert, so the task should be very simple for aix, irix
and hp-ux.


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