Re: Did GNOME go 1.0 too early?

On Wed, Mar 03, 1999 at 11:17:24PM -0500, wrote:
> These files are not all required for a "complete" GNOME setup. They're
> merely the newest available programs that can be used with GNOME. Most of
> those are not official GNOME components. Here's the stuff you really need
> to install:

i think your definition of "complete" differs from mine.
your list is:

>   GLIB and GTK+ 1.2
>   GdkImlib 1.9.x
>   ORBit 0.4.0
>   gnome-libs 1.0.1
>   gnome-core 1.0.1
>   control-center 1.0.1
>   mc 4.5.23

if this is the "complete" GNOME, people will certainly get confused
when they see the 30+ other files there!  and in which case, those
30+ files shouldn't even be there as part of the 1.0 distribution.
besides, without all the other "non-core" GNOME components and/or
applications, the above list of files isn't really selling/offering
much to the general/average user.

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