Re: How do I start GNOME without E?!

Tim Lewis wrote:
> I believe the file you seek is /usr/share/default.session.  Open it and
> change the 'enlightenment' entry to windowmaker.  Be sure it is the name
> of the executable and it is on your path.  Should do it.
> Tim

I tried this with no results accept now gnome won't track my running aps
in the status bar and the little desktop window in the status bar is
gone as well. :(
I even tried jsut runing gnome-session from my .xsession (Im using
run-level 5) and it just yelled at me for not specifying a gnone
complient WM.  But Windowmaker did not start and I dont even have E
installed since I don't use it.
This is all on a gnome 0.99.8 rpm install with WindMaker 0.51 rpm

/+ Scott Tyson "RaEl"
/+ ICQ# 125581

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