[christiqua yahoo dk: Look at KDE]

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Date: Thu, 11 Mar 1999 13:28:11 -0800 (PST)
From: Kenneth "Christíqua" <christiqua@yahoo.dk>
Subject: Look at KDE
To: Miguel de Icaza <miguel@nuclecu.unam.mx>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Hi, I just downloaded KDE, to check it out.
Here's what I think.

Most of the application are of a very poor quality.
and they don't even follow the same look. For instance
there are about 6 different ´top scores' list for 
the games.

The intergration between KDE base and the window 
manager is perfect, and something I _REALLY_ would
like to see in gnome. the mac bar is pretty cool, too.
You can also move the tasklist around...I just have
to say that this is extremely well done, and somethink
we need to work on. Maybe we can take it as a
discussion on the gnome-list. 

We need to work some more on window manager hints,
and don't let the windowmanager independence be a

Now we're at the windowmamager things, I really think
that there should be an option in enlightenment
to turn of the theme menues and use GTK menues instead.

Btw, KDE Office is looking quite promosing, too.

Please forward this mail to gnome-list, too. 
My normaly email server is down, and I don't 
want to subscribe to gnome-list with this email

Thanks for your time
Få en gratis @yahoo.dk-adresse på http://mail.yahoo.dk
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