Re: Control-center / Applets

Installing gnome exactly to the letter,.... hmmmmm   I though I had done that too.
:-(    Well, you never know...  Let me try removing it again and see if I can try
installing it some other way.   ...maybe I skipped something.  I'll let ya'll know...


Bill Laundrie wrote:

> Robert Del Huerto wrote:
> >
> > Were you guys also getting the undefined symbol in /usr/lib/
> >
> > When you say older gnome files, do you mean the ones in the RedHat CD?  ..or do
> > you mean others that you've downloaded?
> >
> > robert
> Well, I had dumped a bunch of stuff that I downloaded from older dists
> onto my windoze partition before re-installing my RedHat 5.2 system and
> all the latest GNOME RPMs.  I'm not using anything from the RedHat CD
> except the required RPMs as the instructions indicate.
> I was at a time getting the above error until I reinstalled GNOME
> exactly to the letter.  It seems that something gets broke if you remove
> or upgrade the libs in the wrong order?  Right now the only problems I'm
> having is the control center.  The window comes up, but if I try to
> click on anything it goes *poof* and I go AAAAAAARGH!
> Oh, I noticed one more thing that may or may not be a bug.  Using the
> latest x-chat, if I try to DCC chat someone it freezes up the moment the
> connection is made.  All previous versions worked fine (shrug).
> For now, just click your heals together and say, "There's no place like
> GNOME... there's no place like GNOME..."
> -Bill

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