Diff files, gnome-session

1) How does one patch a source tree with a diff file? I am trying to patch
/var/tmpgnome-core-1.0.1/ with a diff file that is in /var/tmp...

2) My gnome-session is all screwed up. If running exec gnome-session in my
.xinitrc, it takes about a minute and a half to load, and in the meantime i
see the default cross-hatched x11 background and X cursor. After this minute
and a half, my background is a light baby blue (which is not what I have set
using e-conf) and none of my panels appear. I have tried copying
/usr/local/share/default.session to ~/.gnome/session, same thing
happens....any ideas?

3) This one is a little off topic, my apologies. After installing e-conf
.15, when I load it up, the ok, try, and cancel buttons on the bottom of the
box are cut off...I have tried resizing the box, but am able only to move
it. THe only way I can actually use them is if I maximize the window.

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