Re: newbie user problems with panel and gmc

In message <>, J. Maynard
Gelinas <> writes

[ ... ]

>o) The panel often crashes while in use.  Sometimes it crashes and leaves
>in a state which when the panel restarts it thinks another panel is still
>in operation.  A ps shows that the original process is gone.

Same here. I was fiddling around in an xterm and all of a sudden I was
informed that I had started another Panel (which I hadn't) and that the
previous panel was still hanging around (which crashed out and didn't
show in ps).

Another bug is where gmc gets started on startup, brings up the
background icons, warns me I'm running as root, I click Continue, then
it opens the file manager voluntarily, I close it, then it restarts once
again, I click Continue to the warning again, I close it again, then
occasionally the entire desktop freezes with only gmc running; makes it
impossible to quit the desktop unless I hit CTRL-ALT-Backspace which in
turn brings up the largest number of GDK/GTK errors and warnings I've
even seen.

[ snip ]

>Interesting thing also: gmc often just crashes outright leaving a core dump
>on my desktop (love that yellow bomb :-)

Ah, so *that's* what that is :-(

> ), but often when I try to delete
>the core dump by right clicking and selecting delete it just crashes gmc
>again leaving me with another bomb.  Hell, just _breathing_ on gmc seems to
>cause application crashes.  

Yep, same here. I've been thinking maybe it was me upgrading to GTK-
1.2.1 which has caused this since there are so many GTK errors that
appear upon exiting. However, I hadn't been using Gnome long before
upgrading GTK...

James Green

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