Re: projects for a beginner to work on?

> I'd like to see a simple personal and easy to use personal back-up 
> program.  Basically what I'd like to be able to do is drag a file or 
> directory from the GMC to the backup window or icon and it would add that 
> file or directory to the backup set.  When you run the backup it would 
> create a tar.gz file wherever you tell it to.  Of course you could set it 
> to run automatically.  I've seen something like this for windows and it 
> would be cool to have it in Gnome.  Most backup program are overkill for 
> the average user who just wants to automatically copy a few files and/or 
> directories to a zip disk every now and again.  Basically I think the code 
> for gTar or a similar program could be modified to do something like this.

That actually might not be a bad project for me to start with.
Have you written any code yet?  I'll be thinking about this as I
begin reviewing the GNOME developer docs.  Thanks,

Jamin Philip Gray

Two men were sitting over coffee, contemplating the nature of things,
with all due respect for their breakfast.  "I wonder why it is that
toast always falls on the buttered side," said one.
        "Tell me," replied his friend, "why you say such a thing.  Look
at this."  And he dropped his toast on the floor, where it landed on the
dry side.
        "So, what have you to say for your theory now?"
        "What am I to say?  You obviously buttered the wrong side."

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