Re: Miguel horribly misquoted?

> Out of curiosity, I was reading an article from LinuxToday regarding 
> GNOME, and apparently Miguel was quoted with what seems to be something 
> out of character for Miguel. (I've never seem him be deragatory to 
> anybody on this list) 

Apparently Miguel is misquoted every time he talks about Gnome in the 
press. Ridiculous! He apparently doesn´t forget to bash KDE everytime
he gets some press-attention. KDE-developers are interested in working 
together with the GNOME-team. But Miguel makes these things *very* 
difficult - many people on kde-devel are already sick and very 
disgusted by several FUD that Miguel has spread. 

Competition between both projects may be one thing, making jokes about 
the other project another but it is absolutely inappropriate that the 
GNOME project coordinator Miguel de Icaza makes comments like this 
when he gets the attention of the press!

I don´t remember that any KDE-official has ever made comments like this
in the press. Never!

Please, Miguel, don´t continue to spread this kind of disinformation 
when you go public. Don´t mislead the people. You don´t do the 
GNOME-people/the Linux community a favour if you continue like this, 
believe me!

One year ago I really thought about joining the GNOME-developers. But
one reason for not doing so was this lack of fair-play ...

> > Here's a quote from the article...maybe this is it: 
> > 
> > "I don't think KDE has a future at this point, it's not completely free yet 
> This is of course pure conjecture. It's not for us to say whether KDE has 
> a future or not. Thats up to the people who use it. It was ill advised 

Yes, please, someone has to tell him!

BTW: the GNOME-people have created a very *beautiful* desktop. I really 
admire this part of your work. But there are other things that I really 
dislike ... 

Aaah and one thing Miguel: You have already promised Martin not to do 
things like this anymore -- so instead of any reply from you it would
be much more promising if you would *do* it better next time!



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