Re: File manager tree. [FEATURE REQUEST]

Hi Miguel, here's some suggestions I thought about

    (*)    Fix the 'snap to grid' feature
            This is a very nice feature, but it doesn't work very well
            It need to work as well as kfm

            The grid should place the icons just like they are places
            with 'arrange icons'

    (*)    Split gmc into two

            a desktop manager part, responsable for the desktop
            icons and the root menus

            and then a file manager part

    (*)    Reimpliment the devices, so there are files for devices
            Maybe some .device files? Then you can copy or place
            these devices files where you want (maybe in another

            Then you should also be able to add devices by right
            clicking on the desktop. A nice guide for adding
            devices could be nice (maybe using libglade). It will
            then ask you wether you want to add a floppy, a printer, a
            network device, etc. and if you are root it will also edit

    (*)    Hide the .desktop ending by default in all of gmc, not
            just the desktop. (Make it an option, as always)

    (*)    Create, when starting gmc for the first time

            a folder on the desktop, with the different devices + the
            'add device' guide (.desktop file)

            a folder called 'favorite apps' with .desktop files fot the five
            most popular linux apps

            a folder called 'linux support' with URLs to slashdot, lwn,
            freshmeat, gnome, the gnome mailinglists, and a
            'report gnome bugs' guide app (using libglade)

    (*)    Support for icon themes. A icon theme will consist of a
            file + some icons. If you for instance choose the mac
            icon theme from within gmc, gmc will create a new
            mime file, maybe called something like mac-mine,
            and a new metadata.db file, maybe metadata-mac.db

            This way it should be easy to switch icon theme.

Just some suggestions thought, Kenneth

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