Re: File dialog boxes and dot files

Thanks for telling us how to do that! I agree that this ought to be
documented. Better yet, I hope that a new and improved dialog box is in
the works for GNOME 2!


Ron Murray wrote:
>    From the fact that it appears to have been around for so long
> (well, up till gnome core 1.0.7, at least), I assume there's a valid
> design reason why Gnome's file dialog boxes (e.g. those in gnotepad+,
> gedit, many more) don't show hidden files and directories (i.e. those
> with a leading dot). But for the life of me, I cannot see why this
> should be so. I'm told (and have verified) that I can get into these
> files/directories by typing a dot and a tab, but this is neither
> intuitive nor well-documented. Can anyone enlighten me as to why I
> wouldn't want Gnome apps to access these files/directories? Or, better
> yet, tell me how to enable access to them permanently?
> Thanks,
>  .....Ron
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