Zvt doesn't display S-Lang colors (for mutt)


I would like to switch over to using gnome-terminal as my standard
term, except for a serious bug and a couple of annoyances:

 o  mutt doesn't work with zvt.  I have putt a couple of screenshots up
    to demonstrate, http://www.oranda.demon.co.uk/Eterm-grab.jpg shows
    how it looks in Eterm (and aterm, rxvt and debian color-xterm)
    which is what you should see, but
    http://www.oranda.demon.co.uk/gnome-terminal-grab.jpg is how
    exactly the same mutt display shows in gnome-terminal.  The colors
    in the main screen are messed up too, I suppose any S-Lang app
    which tries to display in color with transparent bg color will
    have the same problem (although curiously jed seems to be okay!).
 o  I miss the shaded tranparency of Eterm
 o  I like the color tinting in Eterm too

Scrolling background is very cool btw =)O|  And it is fantastic that
you have dingus working.  Any chance of added support for
~/.active.tags files (or equivalent)?

  ___              _   ___   __              _  email:gary@oranda.demon.co.uk
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