Re: Gnome October and sound events

Anthony Yu wrote:

> Since doing this, sound events do not seem to function properly.
> Specifically,
> user interface events (clicking on a button, menu item, or checkbox) do
> not
> play the appropriate sounds.
> The sounds associated with sliding the panel continues to play, gnobots
> sounds continue to play, even that rather loud crashing noise when you
> delete a core file or somesuch in gmc plays. The relevant .wav files all

You're luckier than I am.  All sound broke for me when I upgraded to 1.0.4x
from source, and it's still broken.  I have absolutely no idea why, and I
haven't made any progress figuring it out.  Is sound still completely
broken for anyone else?  Note that if I don't use esd (i.e. use mpg123
compiled to not use it), sound works fine.  And downgrading audiofile and
esd to versions that used to work didn't help.

Unfortunately, I don't have any suggestions for you, just wanted to vent.


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