Re: desktop.links entries - was Re: Advocacy report [part 2]

THanks for your help Miguel, but I have one more question (right at the
end of the mail).

On 27 Oct 1999, Miguel de Icaza wrote:
> You can provide arbitrary programs that setup the desktop directory, I 
> think it goes something like this (just run this script):

So I copy this script (with typos corrected ;-) to setup-user-links, make
it executable,

# This script is invoked by gmc like this:
# setup-user-links --desktop-dirpath
# Due to a bug

case $1
	dir=`echo $1 | sed 's/--desktop-dir//' | sed 's/^=//'`
	(cd $dir && ln -s /mnt/misc/floppy .)

then copy it like this

cp setup-user-links `gmc --desktop-linksdir`

by the way `gmc --desktop-linksdir` points to /usr/lib/mc/desktop-scripts
on my rh6 plus october gnome system, however this directory doesn't exist
- so I mkdir this directory put the script in there and hey presto the
link is made when I select Recreate default icons. OK, so my question now
is - how do I give this link the floppy icon?

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