
I'm looking to get my Cross Crosspad working with linux.  Not being
certain who to query to find out if there's already a project, I
thought I would start with the gnome list.  Does anyone know of such a
project?  I've checked freshmeat, GNOME software map, linuxberg,
debian, and can't find one, but figured to ask. 
If not, any pointers on starting work on it?  I've got the pilot
software, figuring that would be a starting point for building the
communications, but I will also need something to monitor exactly
what's going across the serial port.  If I end up doing this, my plan
(in addition to open sourcing it) is to build in good Unix fashion: 
one program to handle the communications, one to do the file
formatting (SVG?), a command line interface, a GUI (GTK) interface for
controlling it, a tie-in to a vector drawing program to display the
files (GILL?), etc.  However, I plan to start small, simply getting my
computer to talk to the xpad.

Note that I've never tried to do any of this before, so I'm really
hoping to find a project, or get a lot of help on this.  However, they
say open source is built to scratch an itch, and this is mine.

thanks for any pointers or help

jeff smith

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