
I am using the software X-Win32 from Starnet
to access a Linux system from my NT workstation.

I find that launching XDM on the Linux box and
then querying for a session works just fine,
but the main panel is missing the usual virtual
workspaces and minimized apps are not represented
as icons on this same panel. (i.e. minimizing an app
renders it unavailable to me)

Has anyone seen this?

I had the same problem using Exceed at home, but 
I got around it by starting Exceed from the command
line with specific parameters (and also by gutting my
.enlightenment settings file).

Any ideas appreciated, or a pointer to the proper FAQ
(I did not find one hanging from the GNOME site)



Realisant mon espoir, je me lance vers la gloire.
Christopher Hahn (chahn@iwanna.job)

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