The Helix Updater

I was thinking about the helix updater and had an idea.  

It would be nice if I could start the update process and then have it
run in the background, ignored forever so that I can logout and have the
update continue.  At the moment I need to leave my machine logged in
while it downloads.

Then I had another idea.

Wouldn't it be great if the updater can be run from cron, and
automatically down load all updates, or all from a chosen category (like
perhaps a security updates category?).  Of course for this to work the
rpm process needs to be changed.  It's damn annoying installing an rpm
and have it replace your config with the default.

Then, this leads to another idea. 

How about having  the ability to select who to update from, I don't mean
helix mirrors, but people like RedHat could setup to be upgraded from
the helix updater (I, just point it to RedHat or whom ever and get your
whole system fixed (or broken) overnight via the magic of cron.

just some thoughts


  Rob Brown-Bayliss

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