Re: Toggle iconify state on click on task name in panel's task list?

I'm running 1.2 (helix release) and double-clicking on the taskbar button
will iconofy it. I imagine there's some way to customize this... I used to
love this feature under windows but now I don't use it anymore.

On Fri, 23 Jun 2000, Cory Lueninghoener wrote:

> Mine seems to do this.  Version 1.2.1 I believe.  I have
> focus-follows-mouse turned on, so I have to click it once to activate the
> window and another time to do the actual iconification, but it works fine
> nonetheless.  What version are you using?
> On Fri, 23 Jun 2000, Eloy Paris wrote:
> > Hi!
> > 
> > It's sad to admit it but Windows 98 has a feature I'd like to have in
> > my Gnome desktop: the ability to toggle the iconify state of a window
> > when the user clicks on the the name of the task in the panel's task
> > list. This would be really really nice to have!!!
> > 
> > I have looked around the current configuration dialogs and haven't
> > seen anything to configure this behavior so I suspect it's not there
> > yet. I know that I can right-click on the task name and then choose
> > from several options (like iconify, kill, etc.) in the menu that pops
> > up, but this is not as nice as just being able to single-click and
> > have the iconify state toggled.
> > 
> > Would it be too hard to hack the tasklist_applet to do this?
> > 
> > I already found a way of having Sawfish minimize all my windows with a
> > single click or keystroke. If I find a way of having this new feature
> > it would be just _perfect_ :-)
> > 
> > Cheers,
> > 
> > Eloy.-
> > 
> > 
> > 
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> >
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