Re: Desktop roaming ?

On Tue, May 02, 2000 at 05:29:02PM +0300, Petri Heinilä wrote:
> I have gnome in my working computer and home computer and
> getting tired to reconfigure same settings to other machine
> after done to the other.
> So, does gnome has desktop roaming support, like netscape
> has on bookmarks, addressbook, .. ?
> I tried to simply directory copying, but there is too
> much dot files and directories to keep system managable
> and I have not idea what dots may be copied and what not,
> if thinking for example session management files.

	I've given a *HUGE* amount of thought to it, but haven't actually
written any code yet.  I have a design in mind for a daemon which talks to
a centralized server.  There would be some wrapper script which enables
programs which don't know how to deal with the daemon to use the roaming
config files.

	I'm probably going to start hacking up code later this week or
next.  Talk to me off line if you want to help ...

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