Re: GNOME quest.

On Sun, Nov 05, 2000 at 12:54:02PM -0800, Christian Seberino wrote:
> Andre,
> I saw your name on the GNOME mailing list
> and was hoping you would not mind
> if I asked you a question.  I'm a new
> GNOME user who cannot figure out how
> to remove some choices from the main
> foot menu.  It seems the Menu Editor
> does not let you erase **all** menu
> options like "KDE Menus" and "AnotherLevel Menus".
> Do you know how to do this by any chance??
Ok, I'll try to answer your questions, but please, it would be better if you shared your doubts/critics/questions/advices with all list members. This way, the one with the same doubts/questions that you came up with will also be helped and, as you, can start helping others on the near future. This is the free/open source paradigm I think. Now let's focus on what you have:

To erase/enable one of the main menus (the ones that appear when you click the little foot) just right click your mouse over the foot and choose properties. There will appear a window that have 3 radio-button like fields on the top indicating "Global main menu" "main menu" and "normal menu". As a normal user, you can enable/disable everything that was enabled by the root user on your machine. This is achieved by choosing "main menu" and then selecting the menus you want to have when you click the small-foot icon on your panel. If you do it as root, and wants to have everyone to have the same limitations/abilities, click on "Global main menu" and do the same thing. Finally, if you choose the tab icons, you will be able to change the small-foot icon for the main menu to something you would prefer. That's really up to you.

> Thanks in advance and Sincerely,
> Christian Seberino
> P.S. I have another question if I can
> be so lucky... Do you know how to
> modify gnome.conf, etc. so that it
> is possible to have *TWO* gdm sessions?
> One for me and wife??? Who wants
> to logout everytime another wants to
> use GNOME like in NT?!
I'm not certain that I understood your question, maybe someone can put some light in here?! Why would you want to have 2 gdm sessions? Maybe you mean Gnome sessions, isn't it?!? In either case, I wouldn't know how to do it, or else if it can be done. I know you can have remote login, but that doesn't seem to solve your problem... Can you examplify a situation for me?

	Cheers, Andre. 
> ========================================================              
> Dr. Christian Seberino          619 553-7811                            
> SPAWARSYSCEN D02P                                                       
> 49330 ELECTRON DR               seberino spawar navy mil                
> SAN DIEGO CA 92152-5451                     
> ========================================================

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