Re: C++ with GTK--, Qt

Jim Kroger <kroger Princeton EDU> writes:

> I know there is a religious war going on and I hope not to start a
> battle in it. I just need some good advice.
> I am a beginning C++ programmer who has never programmed under Unix.
> I need to choose to go either with GTK-- or Qt.

Or GTK.  There's absolutely no reason you can't write applications in
C++, making the library calls as necessary, with liberal use of
"extern C" where required.  This is what I usually do - I've looked at
both GTK-- and Qt, and while I'm sure they're both great projects I
prefer using straight GNOME/GTK+.

You can encapsulate as little or as much as you like.  There are
pitfals with this approach, as with any GUI programming, but I like
the freedom to treat the underlying GUI code the way I want it.  I
especially like not having to incorporate large parts of an extra
library on top of GTK+ - I think I already have enough layers of
abstraction to cope with.


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