Re: Automatic User Changes

deedsmis aculink net (2000-10-14 at 0325.16 -0600):
> > > What continually changes the username when logged into an account with
> > > the correct user?  How can the configurations be altered?
> > Can you be more specific? I do not know what you are talking
> > about. Maybe about "[user machine dir]$ "?
> Somehow every files username or group name is changed by some type of
> daemon if the username or group name does not match the authorized
> user of the account.

I dunno exactly why to do that, or who decides who owns some files,
but I guess you can do a "chmod -R authuser:authuser authuserdir" so
all files in the home of a user are of that user (authuserdir should
be something like /home/user/ or /usr/home/user ... varies with OS).

If you want you can do that periodically with a loop and "change /
verify" all files of all home dirs using a cron task. Well, now that I
think about it... it can be great to remove / change SUID apps, so
people can not play dirty if other guy forgots an open account (I have
seen this, one discovered and open acount and got a SUID bash so he
started to impersonate the other user... kids).


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