Re: Unexpected behaviour of AM_PATH_GNOME

Rémi Cohen-Scali wrote:

There is a behaviour of the aclocal macro I do not understand. An error occurs when using --with-gnome-prefix argument because this argument is used to be added to the gnome_config_args as --prefix=<something>. The problem occurs as gnome-config scripts do not accept a value for this argument. gnome-config --prefix or gnome-config --exec-prefix gives the prefix/exec-prefix. But gnome-config --prefix=<something> or gnome-config --prefix=<something> gives ... an error.
Is there a meaning I missed ? Or is it really a bug ?

Sorry ! Another question ...
Is the expected behaviour be to give nothing but to use the gnome installed at the given prefix, isn't it ?

 		   Remi Cohen-Scali
<Remi Cohen-Scali com> 		<rcoscali rcsnet net>

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